The Real You Counselling

CounsellOR nEAR WINCHESTER, Hampshire

Break free from toxic relationships.

In toxic relationships, the cycle of being valued and devalued over and over creates a strong chemical bond:

Oxytocin is the bonding hormone where we feel valued and connected to another:
‘I am loveable’.

Cortisol and Adrenaline are stress response hormones where we feel devalued:
‘I am unlovable’.

Dopamine is the relief hormone from reconciliation and reward where we feel revalued.

How do we break free from dysfunctional or toxic relationships?

• Set healthy boundaries to stop contact. If there are situations where we have to have a connection such as co-parenting, work colleagues, we can set healthy boundaries to keep minimal contact and use calming strategies to feel empowered interacting with them.

• Avoid triggers such as following on social media platforms.

• Surround ourself with others who we feel safe, secure, and have a healthy connection with.

• Allow ourself time for self-care and engage in something we like.

• ‘Feel to Heal’. Take time to acknowledge and validate our feelings with compassion.

• Speaking to a qualified therapist can support us in developing a new sense of self-worth and acceptance while calming the overwhelming feelings of anxiety, yearning, anger, guilt, or regret.